WARNING: This product is for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.
MedKoo CAT#:201475
Description:AEG40826 (HGS1029) is the hydrochloride salt of a small-molecule inhibitor of IAP (Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein) family proteins with potential antineoplastic activity. IAP inhibitor HGS1029 selectively inhibits the biological activity of IAP proteins, which may restore apoptotic signaling pathways; this agent may work synergistically with cytotoxic drugs to overcome tumor cell resistance to apoptosis. IAPs are overexpressed by many cancer cell types, suppressing apoptosis by binding and inhibiting active caspases-3, -7 and -9 via their BIR (baculoviral lAP repeat) domains.
Price and Availability
AEG40826 is not in stock. This product may be available through custom synthesis when its structure is available.
Chemical Structure
Theoretical Analysis
MedKoo Cat#: 201475Name: AEG40826CAS#: 1107664-44-7Chemical Formula: Exact Mass: Molecular Weight: Elemental Analysis:
Synonym:HGS1029; HGS-1029; HGS 1029; AEG40826; AEG-40826; AEG 40826; AEG408262 HCl.
IUPAC/Chemical Name:NONE
Technical Data
Additional Information
Aegera has developed extremely potent small molecule IAP inhibitors by targeting functional domains on the individual IAP proteins; These compounds possess good pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties and stability and demonstrate potent anticancer activity, alone and in combination with current cancer therapies and death receptor agonists. In December 2007, Aegera and Human Genome Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq:HGSI) completed a licensing and collaboration agreement providing HGS with exclusive worldwide rights (excluding Japan) to develop and commercialize AEG40826 (HGS1029) and other small-molecule IAP inhibitors in oncology. Aegera has retained global rights for the use of its small molecules IAP inhibitors in all indications outside oncology. AEG40826/HGS1029 is currently progressing in Phase 1 studies. (source: (source: