WARNING: This product is for research use only, not for human or veterinary use.
MedKoo CAT#:205904
Description:CWP232291 is a small molecule and prodrug of CWP232204 targeting Src associated in mitosis, of 68 kDa (Sam68 or KHDRBS1), with potential antineoplastic activity. CWP232291 is converted in serum into its active form CWP232204 which binds to Sam68, thereby resulting in the induction of apoptosis in selective cancer cells. Due to the multimodular structure of Sam68, the apoptosis mediated by CWP232204-Sam68 interaction can be attributed to 1) activation of transcription factor NF-kB induced by tumor necrosis factor alpha signaling, 2) alternative splicing of BCL-2 apoptosis gene, driving the balance towards pro-apoptotic as opposed to anti-apoptotic isoforms, 3) down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic protein survivin via Want signaling.
Price and Availability
CWP232291 is not in stock. This product may be available through custom synthesis when its structure is available.
Chemical Structure
Theoretical Analysis
MedKoo Cat#: 205904Name: CWP232291CAS#: NONEChemical Formula: Exact Mass: Molecular Weight: Elemental Analysis:
Synonym:CWP-232291; CWP232291; CWP 232291.
IUPAC/Chemical Name:NONE